Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Captivating Capiz- Ivisan, Saint Nicholas of Tolentino

Born 1245 in Saint’ Angelo in Pontano, Italy, his parents are Compañon de Garutti and Amad Gaidiani. Being childless, they went on a pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Nicholas of Bari, in Napolis. They prayed for a son who would serve God faithfully. He was named after the saint whom he imitated throughout his life. At the early age he took the minor orders. Impressed by a sermon of Fr. Reginald of the Hermits of St. Augustine, he joined the Augustinians. He was ordained priests in 1270 in Gingoli, Italy. Four years later, he was sent to Tolentino, a town for its wickedness. He labored for 30 years, reformed the people by his preaching and example. He died on September 10, 1305 at the age of 60 years old. He was canonized as s Saint on June 5, 1446 by Pope Eugene IV.

St. Nicholas was a man of great asceticism, deep spirituality and acute concern for the social problem of his day. He knew how to welcome guests to the monastery with gracious hospitality and charity just as he was aware to leave to the monastery to help someone in need. He was a Spiritual Director, a moral support for many families, as apostle of the confessional, a generous and sensitive alms giver.

St. Nicholas was a man of interiority concerned with that which is essential and lasting, which forms man from within, conforming to Christ and nourishing him with a deep love of the church.

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