Friday, February 20, 2009

Captivating Capiz- "Caves"

Igang Cave(Maayon)

A limestone cave found in Tapulang, Maayon. It has several entrances at different levels which lead to a central chamber, and fan out again to different passages. Big stairlike structures connect upper portions to the central chamber which is well lighted and well ventilated. A gradually sloping passage, 7 feet wide and a foot high takes one to a lower chamber, which, unlike the upper and central chambers, is dark. The floor here is covered with guano, which towns-people use as fertilizer. The Igang Cave is laced with stalactites and stalagmites of various sizes. The whole cave, including its chambers and tunnel system, is some three hectares. It is 7 kms. away from the town proper and is a 15 minutes ride by car or jeepney.

Pilar Caves

One and a half kms. From the poblacion by jeepneys, tricycles and cars over rough roads. About two years ago, townspeople discovered earthen pots with intricately incised designs. The caves must have been burial sites of pre-Spanish Filipinos. The Balisong Cave where the Capiz revolucionarios routed Spanish soldiers is also found hereabouts. The side of the mountain where the caves are is a specta-cular sight. It is grayish-black rock rising 200 ft. to the sky. Plants, orchids among them, hang from the cliffs, blooming in the summer and filling the air with exotic fragrance.

Quipot Cave (Mambusao)

30 minute ride over rough roads, it is about 3 kms. from the Mambusao Agricultural and Technical College or around 9 kms. from the town proper. Wild birds, deer and wild ducks abound the place. Near the cave is a stream. The cave consists of many chambers each at a level different from other chambers. In certain sections, one has to crawl because the space between the roof and cave floor is just two or three feet. There are also sections that are seems like dead ends, except for small openings through which only one person can crawl. These holes lead to a chamber as big as a hotel ballroom, which is why it is dubbed the "Quipot Hilton". There are plenty of stalactites and stalagmites. The cave is cool inside.

Suhot Cave(Dumalag)

Situated in Dumalag, Capiz and only 300 meters away from the provincial road. It is actually a series of interconnected caverns of different sizes. At the cave's arched entrance is a pool of clear, ice-cold water fed by a rock spring from within the cave. Further on, however, is a crack in the rocks where sulfurous water comes out. Suhot is believed to have a connecting tunnel to the Badiang Cave, Dumarao since both caves are found in the same mountain only 6 km apart from each other although Badiang is on a higher elevation. On the other hand, entrance to Badiang is hidden by dense jungle. In pre-war days, phosphate was said to have been extracted from the cave but it was a short-lived effort.

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